Today, WILD AND WACKY WEDNESDAY, I have a special painting, well, special to me. When we are in the mountains of North Carolina, I start my days with a cup of coffee on our front porch and this is what I see.
It is a special time of day, quiet, cool, the mist rolling in over the mountain, the sun starting to break through and highlight my dogwood tree, and of course, my hydrangea bush crowding onto to porch.
John Muir said it well...How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! ~John Muir
John was the guardian of our national parks and was the driving force behind Yosemite. We have a lot to thank him for!
This small painting, originally priced at $90 is now listed at $59. Today only, you will recieve an additional $10 refund when you purchase. Just purchase on the link above, write "Wild and Wacky" on your order, and I will refund $10 of your payment. Offer expires at midnight EST 10-09-13.