I have been gone for a few days, a quick trip to Washington DC, and now that I am home again I realized that a new post was way overdue! It's amazing how important this blog and all the blogs I follow, have become. I miss checking in on everyone when I am gone, and I do feel an obligation to keep mine updated. It has been such a wonderful trip for me to get comments from all of you about my art. I think I have gained confidence and my paintings have become stronger because of it. So, thank you, I appreciate each and every comment and the knowledge that you come to my site on a regular basis. You have all become very important to me.
Carol, this painting is absolutely stunning. I love the way you have given the boat a real sense of movement in the water. Welcome back!
Wow... this is beautiful! Your talent in being able to paint any subject is incredible!
I can feel this boat speeding along on the wind. It is a very uplifting painting. Wonderful!
Welcome back. This is a wonderful painting. I feel the speed of movement in the boat. Great job. Honor
hi, beautuful !the white just below the ship looks super!
Wondering where you went, Carol, that pear was getting a bit moldy. Great scene here..nice work.
Great that you're back. This is a beautiful work of art - the boat is just flying along!
Wonderful! Can't wait for summer! Always love seeing your new paintings, Carol!
really love this piece
Carol...my answer is posted on my blog. Hope it helps. Now...about this painting. Great job! The color temp changes really make it work. I really like the way you went from the cool blue of the water to the warmer hue for the sky and the lighter value at the horizon. Very effective, well done!
Wow.... this is an amazing painting. I love sailboat paintings, and you did this one very well!
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