What is your favorite subject matter to paint? I admire artists who paint the same objects time after time, something I can not seem to master. I hop from subject matter to subject matter and even from impressionist to abstract. I cannot seem to control my inner child artist!
When I saw this image of my cousin's dog, I wanted to paint it immediately. You can just tell that she (her name is Sally) is looking in the face of her beloved owner, looking for a pat on the head or a little taste of something forbidden.
That is what hooked me on this image. It's not not the subject matter at all. It could be the beautiful colors of a sunset, the light on a wave, the turn of a leaf......something that appeals to me. Today it's those eyes.
I would love to hear why you paint, what you paint.
Thank you for reading my blog today.
lovely expressive eyes on the pet!
The eyes of the dog communicate so much who needs word! Love this painting, you must have had fun painting him.
The eyes always call me as well! Nice work Carol!
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