Imagine my surprise when Marie
Theron awarded me this honor! Marie is a kind soul who lives on the western coast of Africa (how
exotic is that) painting and blogging, just like the rest of us. Thank you Marie, for all the nice comments you leave, and for sending this little ray of sunshine to me. I will do my best to follow the rules of sending it to 7 artists along with 7 facts about me, but I warn you I am pretty boring.
1) I have lived through 1 earthquake (Okinawa 65) and probably close to 25 hurricanes, so far.
2) I traveled the world with my Air Force husband for 15 years.
3) My favorite time of year is fall, especially if there are maple trees around.
4) I worked as a volunteer with the Guardian ad Litem progam for 6 years and helped to get 8 children adopted.
5)I once fell off a sailboat.
6)I had to drive myself to the hospital when my son was born (including over a mountain).
7)My mother is 89 and we "do lunch" every week.
I will spend some time thinking about who to pass this award on too. More about that later!