I am sure most of you are aware of Karin Jurick and her fun and instructive blog "Different Strokes from Different Folks". The end of the year challenge was to send a photo of yourself to her and she would send you a photo of an unknown (to us) artist. We would paint each others portrait and return it to Karin to post on her blog. This, of course, is my attempt to paint a very beautiful lady who was unfortunate enough to have her photo sent to me.
If by chance, this unknow artist, should happen to find my blog, view her portrait, and wish to obtain it, her wish can come true! Just send me your name and address and I will be happy to send it to you at no charge.
I want to say just a few words about Karin. I have always been astounded by her painting skills. Now I am even more astounded by her willingness to take on this additional work with, as far as I can tell, no benefit for herself. Well, she does get lots of publicity among us artists but maybe not so much outside of the blogging and artists communities. I find it to be completely giving of her to take the time and effort required to run this blog, and post all of our blogs under our entries week after week. She is also very willing to share advise with us. If there is one thing we need more of, positive role models is near the top of the list and Karin has proven herself to be one. So, thank you Karin! I only hope that were I in your position, I would be as willing as you to share.
PS: This lovely lady is Annie Salness from Oregon, a wonderful artist. We have since exchanged our portraits.