Friday, April 10, 2009


I love flowers, but I rarely paint them. It just takes too much preparation for me. Go to the florist and buy, keep them alive. Usually I paint something that has a longer shelf life. My weekly paint group, Pieces of Eight, tried these out last Monday. I ended up with a wiping my attempt but came home with several photos. So, this is my studio try, off the computer monitor, my new best friend. I can see that I need to tone down all that pink which completely overwhelms the poor tulip!


L.Holm said...

This is beautiful, Carol. I love the abstract patterns, and rich color. glowing!

Leslie Saeta said...

You should paint flowers more often. Th colors in this painting are fantastic! very nicely done!

Anonymous said...

I like bright colours too. It is difficult to subdue them but flowers mean you can go over the top. This is great!! Tulips arn't out here yet but are just budding, maybe I should have a go.

Unknown said...

I love the painterly approach and beautiful colors - didn't notice the pink part that bothers you - I still look right at the tulip!